If you want to book a cab from Chandigarh to Manali, there are many ways to do so. Here we have mentioned a few of them, you just need to follow these steps:
Online Booking Options: There are many popular cab services in India such as Ola and Uber. Some of them also offer cars for outstations trips. Apart from there are many websites of local service providers from Chandigarh, you can contact them for Chandigarh to Manali Taxi Service. To do so, you need to find their phone number from the website.
Visit Local Service Providers: If you are already in Chandigarh, you can explore local market to find some travel agents who provide Taxi from Chandigarh to Manali, they would happily assist you. If you are staying in a hotel, you can also contact its travel desk to hire a cab. Alternatively, you always have an option of Google Maps to find a local cab operator.
Compare Prices Before Booking: It would be better if you compare prices from different operators before hiring a cab. Most travel agents in Chandigarh have different rates for different kind of vehicles such as sedan car is always cheaper than a SUV. Also, there are high chance that you will get different quotation for similar vehicle from different travel agents.

Booking Process:
Online Platforms: You might need to download the app or visit the website of the service provider. Enter your pick-up location in Chandigarh and drop-off location in Manali.
Choose Vehicle: Secondly, you need to select the car of your choice as per your requirements and group size. While selecting a car, you should also consider your comfort as Chandigarh to Manali is a long journey of 6 to 7 hours.
Select Date and Time: Now, you need to specify the date and time of your pick-up from the specified location.
Payment: Most travel agencies accept online payments from card, net-banking and wallets. Few of them might also give your option to pay in cash at time of pick-up.
Confirmation: After making the payment, you should receive the booking confirmation containing car’s registration number and driver’s phone number.
Pick-up: You should be ready at your pick-up location in Chandigarh at the specified date and time.
During the Journey: You should ensure that the driver is following agreed route and stops that you mentioned at the time of booking as per your requirement.
Drop-off: When you reach Manali, you should pay for the toll tax, state tax and other application charges directly to the driver. You should also provide feedback of the driver to the travel agency.
Note: It is always advisable to book your Chandigarh to Manali Car Rental well in advance during the peak season of summer and winters due to very high demand.