Chandigarh to Manali Taxi
Chandigarh to Manali Taxi
Chandigarh to Manali Taxi
Chandigarh to Manali Taxi
Chandigarh to Manali Taxi
Chandigarh to Manali Taxi

Chandigarh to Manali Taxi

Shimla & Manali Taxi


Manali Cab Booking


The distance from Chandigarh to Manali is approx. 275 kilometres and this journey usually takes around 6 – 8 hours by road depending on road conditions and number of breaks taken. This round-trip journey with Chandigarh to Manali Taxi typically takes 5 days including 3 days sightseeing in Manali. On the day one, you can cover all local places such as Hidimba Devi Temple, mall road and club house. Second day, you can visit snow points such as Solang Valley by your Chandigarh to Manali Cab and the third day, you can explore Kullu, Kasol & Manikaran followed by return journey to Chandigarh on next day. If you want to explore higher altitude places such as Rohtang Pass, kindly let us know in advance to get these places included in the itinerary.

Manali Car Rental


The process of Chandigarh to Manali Cab Booking is very easy and only takes a telephonic conversation of few minutes. You can book a Taxi from Chandigarh to Manali over the phone or just fill up the enquiry form and one of our team members get back to you to understand your requirements and preference. We have wide variety of cabs available for Chandigarh to Manali Taxi Service such as sedan cars, multi-purpose vehicles, SUV’s and tempo travellers if you are traveling in a large group. Just let us know your requirements and we will plane an amazing trip for you and your group. It is advisable to book your car well in advance specially during peak season moths such as April, Many, June and December to avoid any last-minute hassle.



How much distance from Chandigarh to Manali by taxi?

The distance from Chandigarh to Manali is approx. 275 kilometres via Bilaspur, Sunder Nagar & Mandi. Enroute, you an enjoy amazing view of the Himalayas with sightseeing of Hanogi Mata Temple, Pandoh Dam & Sunder Nagar Lake.

Yes, Chandigarh to Manali round trip taxi is the most popular way among tourist want to explore Manali and nearby places such as Kullu, Kasol and Manalikaran. This journey usually takes 5 days but can be customised as per your requirements.

Typically, a sedan car from Chandigarh to Manali will cost you around 15K – 18K for a five days round trip including three days sightseeing in Manali. You can also customise this trip according to your needs and preferences.

Yes, for a confirm booking, you need to pay at least 30% of the total amount as advance. We will collect the balance on the day of arrival or during the journey.

No, we provide all inclusive cabs for Chandigarh to Manali journey with fuel, driver, toll taxes, state taxes and parking charges.

If you want to experience snow falls, you should visit in January otherwise summer months of April, May & June are the best.

We have wide variety of taxis available on Chandigarh to Manali route including sedan cars, SUV’s and tempo travellers suitable for large group.

The distance of approx. 275 kilometres from Chandigarh to Manali usually takes around 6 -8 hours depending on the route and number of breaks you take during this journey.

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